Monday, June 4, 2018

June 4, 2018

You probably need a translator lol, his English is getting much worse - good sign for the Portuguese though

it always makes me so happy to talk to you all every week!! I am doing super great and so is my companion! He really looks and talks like an italian and its awesome hahaha. I think it is one of the coolest/hardest things because he askes a lot of things! This week was super spiritual for me and i have never had a week of revelation like it ha! I am glad that you are all doing well! I am excited for emma too! And how are Mckays papers?  

Our investigators that we have are Gian, Flaisa, Jane, Guillerme, and Renan pray for them they are all so awesome! Especially Renan and Gian because we want them to be baptizd this month! This week was super crazy and something really weird happened haha i thought that it would never happen to me but it did. One day i was doing a contact in the street and it was with this young girl about christophers age, and we were talking about the gospel and how it would bless her life ha, then when i shoke her hand to say goodbye she pulled me closer and tried to kiss me..... how weird was that haha. I stopped her imediately and said, sorry but we cant do that or anything like that ha. She tried to make up some excuses saying that it is a custom here in Brasil, but i dont buy it. It was really funny afterwards because my companion was just frightened ha. But that was a funny experience this week. After that my companion and I stopped a family in the street and we discovered that the husband is less active! We taught him and his wife and child this week and his wife and her son have a date for baptism!! It was a lesson so powerful and i loved teaching them because they all want to come back to church!! They werent able to come yesterday but we have an appointment with them tuesday!! On sunday i had two experiences that were amazing. The first one was during testimony meeting, we were with Gian and there was that one member who was going on and on and wasnt really a testimony and the spirit told me to ask Gian what he thought was a testimony. I thought it was a little strange and ignored the first time he told me to do it. Then the second time was a lot more stronger and I decided to obey. I asked on a piece of paper and he responded. And when i saw the answer, the spirit told me to go up and bare my testimony on what he wrote, because what he had written was true. And so i bore my testimony saying that one of my brother and friend told me what he thought was a testimony some time ago, and he told me that a testimony is proof of something that happened that you know is true. I said "I know that what he said is true, and i have had so many proofs that Jesus Christ lives." It was so powerful and Gian almost started to cry of happiness for what I did. Wow was it so cool, the spirit testified to me and I have no doubt that it was him! Then later on in the day i was reading in Jesus the Christ and afterwards i rested my eyes for about 20 minutes and during those 20 minutes I had a narrated dream about Jesus Christ and his life. Wow it had never happened before and I know for a fact that the Lord had answered my prayers. God is always willing to talk to us and provide miracles in our lifes. If you cant see the miracles of God in your life then look again, because they are right in front of you!

I love this gospel so much, the mission is super hard but so worth it and i love it so much here! Even when i miss you guys so much i cant help to think more about my savior and why i am here. I will miss you all in the family reunion and i hope you all have so much fun! I am excited to see the pictures ha! I loved what President Nelson and Sister Nelson said, i wasnt able to watch it because it was only on at 9 oclock here in Brasil during the night and so it wasnt possible ha. But i love what he said and he is a prophet of god! Sorry that i have taken out money from my account, we have to travel this week and we dont have a bank for our card on the mission here in our area haha. And i need physical money to catch the bus! Oh and the address for the mission did change ha! Love you so much!!! We made cookies with an investigator and an Elder preparing for the mission ha! 

Address for the mission office! 

R. Levindo Lopes, 214 - Funcionários
Belo Horizonte - MG, 30140-170 Brasil

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