Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25

Sept 25

Hey!!! Thank you for sharing what you learned in Conference, it really helped me in my faith and how I should help other people! No fear!!! That is good to hear that everything is going well back home, I always pray for you all and hope you are doing well. Our investigators right now are doing great and the majority of them are progressing, we are hoping to have a couple baptisms on the 7th! We are working hard and trying our best. Most people don't know this but where I am serving right now the people are more closed and dont want to change very much. My companion said that it is better outside of Belo Horizonte, but it doesnt matter to me because I will probably stay here for another two transfers. 

This week was pretty hard for me and really good at the same time.  I am having that same problem I had with my eyes again here in brazil. And for the majority of the week I was sick but I didn't stay in our house I still worked and pushed through it. I don't know what the source is and maybe you do? But this week was a great week to learn more things and just love the people. This week we had a lot of splits inside our own district. I was with Elder Tenorio for three days this week haha. But it was awesome. Every Wednesday I have the opportunity to help with an English class at a high school and for the ward and it is so fun to help there!! The teachers name is Joaquim and he basically speaks english too ha, he is super nice and he gave me a huge compliment the other day, he said this "Even though you don't speak the language that much, you are not like the other americans I have seen, You are like them in appearence but inside you have the heart of a Brazilian." This made me really happy, because I seriously love all of the brazilians here and i love to joke with them. Also something funny that came out of that class was that later on Elder Tenorio told me that all the girls in the class were talking about me after the class ended and Joaquim heard and tried to introduce them to me haha it was weird..... But the other days we mainly focused on our investigators, Jorgina is our investigator that is closest to Baptism, she is amazing, she told us that she drank coffee all the time and we challenged her to stop drinking coffee and the next day she stopped and substituted it for something else, she has such a strong faith and wants to do whats right for her family, she is 65 years old! And our other Investigator Alfonso is progressing too, he had a hard time with some of our teachings but he is starting to read the book of mormon and we hope he will accept it. Friday I got the chance to be senior Companion again and it was super fun and I love the experience it brings. This week was super good and the language is hard, sometimes I feel like I am not progressing at all but I know that the lord does not let his servants fail!!! Something crazy that happened last night was that a small house that was a library too caught on fire, it was so close to our apartment!! Elder Coutinho and I watched it all happen. But I love you all and thank you everybody for everything you do for me! I know this gospel is true, without a doubt. I love the opportunity I have to represent the savior in all that I do and just show an amazing amount of love for everyone. I always love to help the people here and talk with them and I imagine its exactly how the savior was when he was on the earth. Jesus Christ loves all of you and he wants you all to be happy, always remember that he is with you. Tenha uma boa semana!!!!
Oh and I might need a new binder for my jornal, just because I cant fit more papers in the one I have now. And one of the missionaries here wants a jornal like I have that has the thing about joseph smith, "All these things shall give thee experience." you know the one haha. If I think of anything more I will tell you before I get off. The pictures basically represent this week, the first one is an amazing view and sunset and the other one is just us being us ha. LOVE YOU 

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