Monday, December 11, 2017

December 4, 2017

December 4, 2017

Hello - Elder Bestenlehner let me know that so far he has received 23 cards from all of you!  Thank you so much!!

Dear Friends and Family

My toes are doing better but they still need work hahaha. But thats ok. I work during the day anyways and I am learning to get used to it. But other than that I am doing super great and we are meeting lots of people to teach! Our investigators are doing great too. This week was super slow mainly because of the rain....

But this week was also super good too! We had a really hard time finding people to teach and talking to people on the streets mainly because it was pouring rain all week. And not just simple rain. I mean super super super strong rainfall ha. But it was so fun too. Because usually we dont get much rain here but all of a sudden it decided to rain here. It was funny because last night and saturday night was some of the strongest rainfalls i have ever seen. Saturday night we arrived at home early and decided to leave to place some books of mormon. So we left and began to find people when all of a sudden the rain came. We had to stand under a building and just watch. We watched the streets become rivers and cars that were parked become covered with water. The time was running out before we had to be home so we decided to run in the rain so we could make it home in time. We were literally running in rivers hahaha. We were helping remove things out of the road too because the rain carried lots of pieces of wood and other things. It was so fun and a super cool experience. I have pictures!

But before all that happened we were able to teach the restoration to Juliao. He is super awesome. We were trying to contact references during the whole day and nothing was working, and we were almost lost. But then we realized that we were in the front of his house and so we decided to visit him. And he let us in and so we taught the restoration, it was so amazing and you could feel the spirit. We invited him to read and to be baptized and he accepted! Also we visited maria lurdes and maristella this week and they want to be baptized soon too. Specifically maria who will be baptized saturday hopefully! 

Then last night was a super spiritual experience too. Last night was a devotional for christmas for all of the wards in our stake. We were there waiting and ready to support Afonso, our recent convert because we was going to sing in front of everyone! But then the rain came again and elder tenorio and i decided to help people enter the church because the rain was horrific. We decided to sacrifice our clothes and dryness too haha but it was so worth. I loved the opportunity I had to help people stay dry and enter the church because I really saw the blessings of service. It was amazing. And we were able to help afonsos uncle and aunt enter the chuch because they wanted to see him and they werent members. They were able to see him sing and watch the devotional. But we missed afonso sing because we were still helping. But I know he did great, and it turns out that his aunt and uncle loved the church and want to learn more. Service is the best way to make someones day and talk about our church! and we have the opportunity to serve every day this month. Seja a luz do mundo!!

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