Monday, October 23, 2017

Happy Feet happy missionary

This week was super good, and super spiritual for me. Our investigators are doing great. Alfonso lost contact with us for a couple of days and we were worried but he came to church on sunday and said that everything was ok. He will probably be baptized this week. Since transfers are the week after this week we want to baptize him because Elder dedeco and I started to teach him and found him. He is super awesome and already is gaining a testimony of the church! Maristella is doing good but it has been a hard week for her because a member of her family passed away and she is having some doubts about the priesthood authority in our church. We dont really get the chance to teach her much except for on sunday in church ha. We also met a new man called Valter this week. He is super old and is evangelical! But he is super nice and he likes it when we talk to him. He came to church and during the classes he shared his opinions, it was kind of awkward for everyone but everyone just loved him anyways. Jorgina is hard to reach now. We actually taught her yesterday because she let us in but I will talk about that later because its a funny story.

I had lots of cool experiences this week. I was able to see the power of the restoration once again in the lives of others. Elder Dedeco and I were walking and a man who was drunk stopped us and said he needed help and that he had been searching for us. So we sat down with him and we started to share the restoration with him. It was so amazing because he really listened. When I explained what the book of mormon was and how it can help others he started to cry, and I bore testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and he said "Bacana" which means amazing in Portugues. After that Elder Dedeco invited him to be baptized and he accepted. He doesnt live in our area but it truly testified to me that the lord is preparing people for us. Another cool but funny experience that happened was that the other day we were walking and two ladies that were also drunk stopped us in front of a bar. One said "OH its the mormons!!" In portugues and we taught both of them. But it was so hard because it was in front of a bar and they were drunk ha, when we gave one of them a pamphlet, the other screamed at me and said "why didnt you give me one!?" It was funny but I told them that god loves them and that our savior jesus christ loves them too. We were there so to listen and talk to them about Christ. 

Sunday was super hard to teach and to visit people because Atletico and Cruzeiro were playing each other ha. In soccer. I am an Atleticano! I like Atletico! But so many others like Cruzeiro. It was funny because we started to teach Jorgina during the game because we couldnt really turn off all of the tvs ha. And you know how hard it is for me to avoid soccer, it is impossible. I started to say the last prayer and the game ended and Atletico beat Cruzeiro 3-1 and everyone started to scream and go crazy with fireworks and all sorts of things ha. So i hurried and ended the prayer because no one could hear me! It is crazy because it is truly real when they say that in brazil during the game everywhere is dead silent and no one is on the street. But when someone scores or when the game ends everyone goes crazy!!!! Atletico and Cruzeiro are the teams that live in Minas Gerais, the state that I am in, so ofcourse everyone went crazy ha. The language is coming along slowly, I am corrected over 100 times each week but I have faith it will come for sure. This is my last week with Elder Dedeco probably since transfers are on the 1 of november and he will leave since I am finishing training. But I love you all and eu sei que esta igreja é uma igreja verdadeira. Eu sei que meu salvador Jesus Cristo vive e que nosso pai celestial nos ama muito!! AMO VOCÊS! Tenham uma boa semana! 

Caden will do such a great job next sunday, I am excited to hear how it went.  I can't wait to hear where Camron is going! I love both of those guys ha. and michael but I havent heard from him in ages. Love you!! Thank you for everything you do for me. Miss you so much and I am always praying for you dad and our family! The one picture is of me and Elder dedeco. I bought a flag of Atletico for me and to play a prank on Elder Coutinho because he loves Cruzeiro and so we hung it up in his room and the second is this cool view that I saw at lunch the other day. Love you!

Elder Bestenlehner

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