Friday, July 20, 2018

July 16, 2018 Meeting the New Mission President and his wife

Hey everyone It has been a rough week and really tiring but i loved it so much! This week we saw a lot of challenges and we had some great spiritual experiences. My toes are doing fine, my one big toe is super swelled up and all crazy hahaha but i went to the foot doctor this week and she helped me out, i have to go again this next week! But i am grateful for the challenges. The challenges and frustrations are what make us stronger! 

This week was super cool because we had our first zone conference with President Castellano. He is so awesome. I love him a lot already. He is focusing a lot on our testimonies and focusing on the people. He doesnt really like to think a lot about the numbers. It was super cool to talk with him and have an interview with him. He helped me out a lot and told me not to worry about my numbers so far here on the mission. Because the Lord uses each one of us in different ways. And i thought a lot about that this week. On sunday we had our ward conference, and even though we only had one investigator there, we still had a great meeting. Our bishop talked about justice and mercy. The theme was the miracle of forgiveness. He talked about how we only ask god to be merciful with us and to act with justice with other people. I thought a lot about that. This week i prayed that our Heavenly Father could be merciful with our area and with the people and let his justice fall upon me instead. It was different to ask for that, but i am willing to suffer than to see others suffer. I just love how all of us can be forgiven of our sins, it doesnt matter what we have already done. God is merciful with us and he lets us repent whenever we want to. How amazing is that. He teaches us that we should repent as fast as we can so that we can receive all the blessings he has for us. This week was awesome just thinking about that. It was hard because Renan is traveling and wont be back until the end of the month. So we are trying to find more people and it was super hard this week. We didnt have that much success but i know that the lord saw our efforts. We found a man that is named Luis. He is awesome and he appears to be really interested in the book of mormon. We challenged him to read it and we will see on thursday if he will ready it or not! I hope he does because it will change his life. Its funny how when you see people having a hard time or not accepting the gospel, you just want to cry because of them. Because you know what they are missing out on. But i know that the Lord will bless them and will bless us as we try do to our best. The district is doing good and they are having more success so that makes me happy! And yes i am really good friends with Elder Lujan! He is awesome! 

 I am so grateful to be here and to become stronger through all of the hard trials and difficulties! I am always trying to have a great attitude and think of Jesus Christ. It is the best thing we can do!  Love you all so much! 

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