Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018

This week was super hard for us because here in Brasil they were focused on politics and they had voting for their new president sunday morning.... so everything went wrong hahaha but not everything actually. We had some great lessons and in the end we got to listen to General Conference. I was so excited that after lunch i was practically running to the chapel!!! I love General Conference and I know that all of the talks were given to us by the lord through his servants! 

This week we had training and it was super cool! We talked a lot about how we need to better our studies so that we can teach by the spirit. President gave a great training about faith and working hard to call gods elects. I actually wanted to send some quotes that i loved in General conference!! "Our trials and difficulties can lead us to our true conversion if we dont harden our hearts or stiffen our necks"-Elder Christofferson "The lord desires to sweep away any darkness that encoulds you and fill it with his love and his joy. Draw near to god and he will draw near to you." I loved Elder Uchtdorfs talk about this because it is so true. Many people think that God will just come to them but we need to come to him first off! "Let us not burden our remembrance with sadness and regret. Now is the day to sacrifice your pride and be a peacemaker" -Elder Holland "No one is pre-ordained to fail. All have potential for the eternal love that God offers."-Elder Gay "Atonement is the plan, not the back up plan." -Elder Carpenter I also loved the many other talks that spoke about being Shepherds and gathering gods sheep!! I loved this General Conference and it was amazing to see how God´s love was shown to everyone. I loved Elder Andersens talk about wounds and how we were meant to have wounds, but we were also born to come out stronger than when we were wounded!! I love this gospel so much and I love that God has called Prophets, Apostles and Seventies to help us on our Covenant Path. This gospel is true and I know that Christ loves me so much and Loves everyone in the world. That is why he restored this gospel here on the earth today. This is HIS church! 

I actually think the changes wont change anything in the mission field. It will just mean that we have more time for Proselyting!! And I think the changes made are awesome and its what the world needs. Our homes are what are important and the home should be a place that is just a little bit less sacred than the temple! or even the same! I think that is a great idea by the way. Womens conference must have been awesome! I like what President Nelson is doing and he is really the prophet here on the earth. I love him so much for sacrificing his time for the church of Jesus Christ! But other than that I hope the lord blesses Afonso and I know that he is such a great guy. The Lord will help him, the members need to realize how important ministering is here. But anyways if i need anything more i will let you know. But i love you so much!!! Thank you for everything. This week i will check my stuff to see what more i need of clothes and those type of things. LOVE YOU!

Elder Bestenlehner's email to his dad this week  - I really wanted to share this with you.

 I am doing great and this week was super awesome, slow, but amazing because of General Conference!! The new changes made are inspired by the lord. I was so happy when they said that we would be focusing more on the home. Because here in Brasil they need to focus more on the home. I am so grateful that you and mom made the home a place of worship and a place where the spirit could be!! I was able to do a division this week and i talked with the district leader about his needs and what he was having a hard time with. It was a couple of problems in his district so i gave him a couple of counsels that helped him resolve his problems. It was super cool. In General Conference they talked a lot about how we will have trials and difficulties in our lives. I was amazed to see how much they talked about it but how much they told us to never give up and to continue firm on the covenant path. I love that phrase!! The covenant path is the only way to go. I think i have the greatest desire to stay on that path and do everything i can to be as a shepherd and help others to stay by my side. I loved General Conference and I know that the lord blessed me to have his spirit with me during the sessions. I was so happy that i ran to the chapel just to see and watch the prophets speak to us. Arthur and Vitoria are doing good and are reading the book of mormon, they are out of town right now for safety reasons but they watched small parts of conference and we will probably see them today!! I am excited to teach them more about the book of mormon and the gospel. I also liked what President Nelson said about the name of the church. So many people need to know that this is the lords church and we all need to respect the savior and not disapoint him! I love the church of Jesus Christ because it is where we can become more like the savior. We were able to teach a lady named Aparecida this week and she looks like she has a lot of potential. I hope she reads the book of mormon and decides to come to church this next time. I was able to watch conference in English upstairs in the chapel with Elder Holt so it was cool to be able to hear in our native language! I love this gospel and I know that the spirit really testifies to our hearts. I am praying that the spirit is always with me and I know that the lord will provide!! Even though the work was slow this week we are hoping that here in two weeks Arthur and Vitoria will be baptized!!

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