Friday, January 19, 2018

January 15, 2018

I am so sorry to hear about Bella.... wow, it is sad how things like this happen but we know that death isnt the end of life and that we will all get to see her again. I dont have very many emails, so i will try to email the nerdins and they can share it with everyone. But I hope they are all doing so well. It is super hard when something like this happens. But I know that she is resting in heaven and ready to progress. The weather here is basically just the sun set on oven mode haha. But it is awesome too. It really tests our faith and tests if we will work hard or not. It helps us to find more people and to keep moving forward! My feet are about the same, I am trying to do everything possible for my one toe that is super bad but that toe hasnt progressed much, but i know that eventually it will be healed! I loved what you shared about Joseph Smith and about when he was in Jail. It truly showed and strengthened his faith in Christ and it helped him a lot. And it helps the members of the church every day. 

This week was pretty good! It was super hot during the whole week so we had to use a lot of sunscreen and drink lots of water! We had a division in Montes Claros with Elder Dedeco and Elder H Pereira! It was super cool because I split with Elder H Pereira and he is from Cape Africa! Cabo Verde! It was awesome to talk with him and to teach their investigators. Other than that this week was full of cool things that were just small and simple, but made all the difference. We were able to teach Dalva a lot about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and she is learning more about it every day. It was cool to read with her about Ammon and when he was able to teach King Lamoni. She really liked that chapter and she read more about Aaron the other day! She will probably be baptized after the next transfer since we have transfers next week. Almost all of our investigators have baptismal dates for after the transfer. Later in the week we taught Emerson and Betania about the law of tithing! I was able to bare testimony about how much tithing blesses our lives and also how much fasting blesses our lives. The spirit was super strong there and they both accepted our invite to live the law of tithing. Saturday we were able to talk with a man for about 2 hours about the Plan of Salvation. He shared with us that his son commited suicide a couple of years ago and he was asking why he did that, and what he was lacking. We were able to bare testimony that if he had felt the love that our savior has for us, he would have realized that life is so much more. The gospel really does bless the lives of others. It is so amazing when you feel the love that the savior has for us. He sacrificed himself for you and me, so that we could have everything in our lives. He is reaching out to you and he is really knocking on our doors, but we need to respond to him. And he will truly show his love. He loved that we gave him a Book of Mormon and we set a baptismal date as a goal for him and he accepted. I hope he reads the book of mormon, because it truly is a book that brings miracles in our lives, if we let it. 

Pirapora is a great area and I am really liking it here, even if it is hard and small, I believe that God loves these people so much that he sent me and my companion here to talk with them, and show his love! We are trying our hardest to work hard and we know that our efforts eventually will pay off! These past two days I got sick and so it was hard yesterday to work some part of the day. I couldnt get up and the only reason i did was to use the bathroom. But I will get better! Oh and what happened to my ring? haha I thought you were going to send it. Love you so much ! I will send pictures here in a second.

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